Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs September 2024


Perpetual Trophies - Sunday 8th September

Highest Combined Score RATG over Three Trials (Donated by Leggett Family)
Suzanne Batchelor - KENZANNE UNDER THE MILKY WAY (AI) RN TKS - (Golden Retriever)


Saturday 7th September AM

RATG Novice—Angelika Goehring
1st Golden Retriever Kenzanne Under The Milky Way (AI) RN TKS on 84 points (Suzanne Batchelor)
2nd Cocker Spaniel Marelly Quarterback Punk on 76 points (M. Duker)

RATG Open—Michelle Auld
1st Golden Retriever Ch Trigolden Southern Drummer (AI) CD NRD on 89 points (Lynne Elliot)
2nd Labrador Retriever Erringhi Banjo Bob on 87 points (Sandra Hoges)
3rd Golden Retriever Activgoldens Angus (AI) CD QND NRA ORA on 78 points (B. Warren)

Saturday 7th September PM

RATG Novice—Bill Frew
1st Golden Retriever Kenzanne Under The Milky Way (AI) RN TKS on 90 points (Suzanne Bachelor)
2nd German Shorthaired Pointer Pointmore Flanders on 79 points (Natalie Squires)
3rd Cocker Spaniel Marelly Quarterback Punk on 77 points (M. Duker)

RATG Open—Angelika Goehring
1st Labrador Retriever Gamefinder Zolphoen Pieper CCD RA NRA on 81 points (Michelle Auld)
2nd Labrador Retriever OCH RCH Gunsmith Pontianus Pope CCD CDX UDX RAE TKA NRA on 75 points (Annette Herbert)

Sunday 8th September AM

RATG Novice—Michelle Auld
1st Gereman Shorthaired Pointer Pointmore Flanders on 80 points (Natalie Squires)

RATG Open—Bill Frew
1st Flat Coated Retriever Peppatree Fifty Shades Of Black (AI) RA CCD ORA QRN on 92 points (Helen Mann)
2nd Weimaraner (Longhair) Grausturm Play It Cool CDX SWA RE QND ORA on 90 points (Angelika Goehring)
3rd German Wirehaired Pointer Whistlewire Green River NRD on 86 points (G. Whitehead)

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